Monthly Archives: juin 2015


How do you give back to others?

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim.

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Giving, International, World|0 Comments

Is space travel a religious matter?

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim.

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Giving, International, World|0 Comments

8 beautiful cathedrals explored

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim.

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Celebration, Giving, International, World|0 Comments

Tribute paid to victims of the earthquake

Tribute paid to victims of the earthquake Lorem ipsum dolor sit ets amet, [...]

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Events, Giving, International|0 Comments

Faith is like a loving parent when you need it most

Faith is like a loving parent when you need it most Lorem ipsum [...]

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Celebration, Giving, World|0 Comments

Annual summer camp gets underway

Annual summer camp gets underway Lorem un ipsum dolor sit ets amet, consectetur [...]

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Celebration, Events, Music|0 Comments

10 examples of where charity changed everything

10 examples of  charity changing everything Lorem ipsum dolor sit ets amet, consectetur [...]

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Celebration, Giving, International, World|0 Comments

What challenges face a family who lives by faith?

What challenges face a family who lives with a faith? Lorem ipsum dolor [...]

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Celebration, Giving, International, Music|0 Comments

Record numbers of food banks open each month

Record numbers of food banks open each month Lorem ipsum dolor sit ets [...]

By | juin 3rd, 2015|Giving, Music, World|0 Comments

Church raises money by harnessing social media

Church raises money by harnessing social media? Lorem ipsum dolor sit ets amet, [...]

By | juin 1st, 2015|Events, Giving, World|0 Comments